Round-The-World Flights
A History of the Surpreme Aviation Achivement
Glines, Carroll V.
Third Edition.
In Round-the-World Flights, award-winning aviation writer Carroil V. Gliries vividly recounts the thrilling efforts of pilots who battled time, the elements, and the limits of human endurance to circle the earth in a fascinating variety of aircraft. Ever since man's first ascent in a hot-air balloon in 1783, men and women have dreamed of being the first or fastest to fly around the world. Gathered here are all of the most exciting episodes in the history of round-the-world flight, including the adventures of Wiley Post, Howard Hughes, Max Conrad, Jerrie Mock, John Glenn, Dick Rutan, Jeana Yeager, the original crew of the space shuttle Columbia, Steve Fossett by hot-air balloon in 2002, and many other heroes of aviation. An entertaining and highly informative look at the achievements of aviation history's most ardent record-breakers, Round-the-World Flights is a book that no pilot or armchair aviator will be content to read only once...
370 Seiten / pages
excellent condition
Washington D.C. - 2003 - Brassey's Inc.
Art.Nr. 4404