World Directory of Airline Crashes
A comprehensive record of more than 10.000 passenger aircraft accidents
Denham, Terry
First Edition.
This is a fully detailed listing of nearly 11,000 passenger aircraft that have suffered an accident, either on the ground or in the air and, in consequence, have never flown again. All types are covered, including helicopters, airships and gliders, providing they could carry a minimum of eight passengers, or an equivalent amount of cargo. Information includes the date and location of the accident, the aircraft type, registration and construction number, as well as the circumstances and the number of casualties. Cross-reference appendices provide details by aircraft type and operator. All civil transport aircraft lost in accidents are detailed together with military and smaller aircraft types if lost in airline Service. This is the most detailed work of its type ever published and is sure to become the Standard reference on the subject.
Hardcover with dust jacket. Large format.
320 Seiten / pages
some photos
Very good condition, like new
England - 1996 - Patrick Stephens
Art.Nr. 9528