Arktis - Antarktis

A History of Polar Exploration
Mountfield, David
First Edition

The age of discovery received its strongest Impulse from the rediscovered knowledge that the world is round. And once it was established that a ship sailing east- or west-could theoretically return to its home port from the opposite direction, speculation grew about the possibility of using this knowledge to establish more routes to the East and its coveted products. The land route was known from ancient times; but the Turks now held dominion over those lands. The way by sea had been found by voyaging south-but what of the northern seas? The terrible cold of Arctic waters was well known; but a north-west or north-east route would be much shorter, if one could be found. The epic story of the exploration of the top and bottom of the world began.
The nature of the quest-into uncharted seas and virgin territory under appalling conditions and with, at first, no knowledge of how to deal with the unpredictable ice and murderous cold-offered a challenge that might, on the face of it, be hardly worth taking up. But all sorts of men, from many nations, took part, and these were äs remarkable for their diversity äs for their daring. Martin Frobisher, the Elizabethan adventurer; Willem Barents, the heroic Dutchman who was the first man to winter in the Arctic; Vitus Bering, a Dane in the service of Peter the Great, who forced a way east across Siberia and found Alaska, Cook-these were pioneers. They paved the way for Nordenskjold, Nansen, Shackleton, Amundsen, Scott, Peary, Byrd; for the charting of polar seas and the mapping of polar lands; for vastly increased scientific knowledge and for new ways of not only surviving the cold but of living in it.
David Mountfield opens his book with a thoughtful essay on the motives of the explorers and what we have learned from their achievements. His history of the exploration begins at the beginning-with Pytheas of Massalia in the 3rd Century BC, and examines what is known of the voyages of the Vikings. The book ends in the present, with the massive expeditions and international co-operation, but the story goes on. Man has found his way to the ends of the earth; now he will try to understand them, and will no doubt find a way of exploiting them. What will their future be? On this question David Mountfield closes his fascinating book.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
208 Seiten / pages
Over 200 illustrations, 24 in colour, map
good condition
London - New York - Sydney - Toronto - 1974 - The Hamlyn Publishing Group
Art.Nr. 21541
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Antarktis: Himmel und Hölle zugleich
Messner, Reinhold
»Die Tage und Wochen, die ich in der Wildnis bei Kälte und Hunger zugebracht habe, sind es, die mich geprägt haben. Nach ihnen sehne ich mich, wie sehr ich mich auch vor ihnen fürchte.«

398 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
München - Zürich - 1995 - Serie Piper Abenteuer
Art.Nr. 268
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Die schnellsten Straßen kreuzen den Pol
Pantenburg, Vitalis
Jugendbuch über die Eroberung der Arktis mit Luftfahrzeugen.

Halbleinen mit Originalumschlag
82 Seiten / pages
Fotos Karten
gut erhalten
Köln - 1951 - Greven Verlag
Art.Nr. 1039
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Drama in the Arctic - S.O.S. Italia: The Search for Nobile and Amundsen - a Diary and Postal History
Goldberg, Fred

Softcover, large format
144 Seiten / pages
photos, maos and documents
very good condition
Lidingö, Sweden - 2003 - private edition
Art.Nr. 23663
45,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Flieger erobern die Pole
Sumpf, Peter

200 Seiten / pages
mit 19 Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
München - 1957 - Nymphenburger Verlagshandlung
Art.Nr. 386
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Flieger über dem sechsten Erdteil: Meine Südpolexpedition 1928/30
Byrd, Richard Evelyn
Deutsche Erstausgabe.
"Dieses Buch ist eine etwas gekürzte Übersetzung des Werkes "Little America" (London-New York 1931)"
Richard Byrd flog 1926 als erster Mensch über dem Nordpol und organisierte ab 1928 die umfassende Erforschung der Antarktis aus der Luft.

geprägter Leineneinband
280 Seiten / pages
mit 75 Abbildungen und 2 Karten
sehr gut erhalten
Leipzig - 1931 - F.A. Brockhaus
Art.Nr. 7882
28,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Frozen In!: The Adventures of the "Nanuk's" Cabin Boy North of Siberia
Crichton, Clarke, Jr.
The author was 15 years old only and a good observer. He was abord the trading schooner "Nanuk", when it was frozen in the pack ice in the Arctic in 1929. Crichton also writes about the death of polar aviator Carl Ben Eielson, who came to the rescue and to save the high value cargo of the ship…

148 Seiten / pages
with 23 photos
good condition, however several pages loose
New York - 1930 - G. P. Putnam's Sons
Art.Nr. 6
22,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Little America: Aerial Exploration in the Antarctic - The Flight to the South Pole
Byrd, Richard Evelyn (Rear Admiral, U.S.N., Ret.)
First Edition.

Ecellent work of one of the most active and successful arctic explorers ever. Byrd flew to the North Pole in 1926 and he flew over the South Pole in 1929…

Notes from a Journal
The Plan - The Preparation and the Problem
Through the Pack
We Establish a Base
The Battle to Unload
Discovery By Flight
Discovery Of a New Land to the Eastward
Incident on the Rockefeller Mountains
Winter - Blrth of a Clty
Cvilization Does Not Matter
More Plans and Preparations
The Start of the Southern Parties
The Base-Laying Flight
Flight To The South Pole
Eastward Beyond the Horizon
Death of a City
The Geological Sledge Trip

Original blue cloth binding with goden lettering
422 Seiten / pages
with 74 illustrations and maps
very good condition, some corners slightly bumped
New York - London - 1930 - G.P. Putnam's Sons
Art.Nr. 2645
45,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Mit Flugzeug, Schlitten und Schlepper: Meine zweite Expedition nach dem Sechsten Erdteil 1933/35
Byrd, Richard. E.
Etwas gekürzte deutsche Übersetzung von Richard. E. Byrd's Werk "Discovery", das erstmals 1935 in New York erschien.
Die große amerikanische Expedition von 1933 war Byrds zweite Antarktisexpedition. Man reiste auf 2 Schiffen ab, mit 115 Mann, 153 Hunden, 4 Flugzeugen und 6 Raupenschlepper.

grüner Leineneinband mit geprägter Schrift
283 Seiten / pages
seltene Fotos
sehr gut erhalten
Leipzig - 1936 - F.A. Brockhaus
Art.Nr. 6519
95,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
1 bis 10 (von insgesamt 10)