
Follow Me Through: The Ups and Downs of a RAF Flying Instructor
Brooke, Mike
Catch a rare glimpse into the training of the nation's defence personnel, as pilot turned flying instructor Mike Brooke shares with us some of his amusing first-hand flying stories.
After his success as a Cold War Canberra pilot, Mike was dispatched to become a flying instructor at the Central Flying School in the 1970s. 'Follow him through' - as he would instruct his trainees - as he experiences the quite literal ups and downs of teaching the Glasgow and Strathclyde Air Squadron. Discover how he battled the diminutive de Havilland Chipmunk in order to teach others how to fly the aircraft, before finally moving to instruct on the Canberra in its many marks.
Here Mike will take you on a quite often bumpy journey as an instructor of pilots old and new, recounting tales of flying, near accidents and less serious incidents that flying these old but still demanding aircraft bring.
Following on from his debut book, A Bucket of Sunshine, Mike continues to use his personal experience to bring aviation to life, proving indispensable for any aviation enthusiast.
MIKE BROOKE joined the RAF in 1962. After serving on the Iow-level strike/attack squadron, Brooke became a flying instructor and experimental lest pilot. Further test flying tours followed, but in 1984, after twenty-two years in flying appointments, he was sent to the RAF Advanced Staff College. He was promoted to Wing Commander and took command of flying at RAF Farnborough, leaving the RAF in 1994. He then became a test-flying consultant, finally retiring in 2004. Brooke has flown around 7,300 hours on 140 types of aircraft of all classes except seaplanes. In 1984, he was awarded the Air Force Cross by HM Queen Elizabeth and is a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Test Pilots.

190 Seiten / pages
very good condition, new book
Strout, Glochestershire, UK - 2017 - The History Press
Art.Nr. 18908
32,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Forces Aeriennes
Chant, Christopher
French language edition

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format.
144 Seiten / pages
200 Illustrations
good condition
1976 - Art.Nr. 4644
6,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Foxbats over Dimona: The Soviets' Nuclear Gamble in the Six-Day War
Ginor, Isabella - Remez, Gideon
This radically innovative study redefined the epochal events of 1967 by showing that the Soviet Union instigated the crisis and launched a direct intervention to overwhelm Israel.

As journalists for Israel's leading broadcast and print media and as historical researchers, Isabella Ginor and Gideon Remez collaborated for twenty years to expose the extent of Soviet military involvement in the Middle East.

287 Seiten / pages
2 maps
very good condition
New Heaven - London - 2007 - Yale University Press
Art.Nr. 24250
16,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Fremde Vögel unterm Balkenkreuz
Nowarra, Heinz J.
Band 71 aus der Reihe "Waffen-Arsenal"

Softcover, großes Querformat
48 Seiten / pages
viele seltene Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
Friedberg - 1981 - Podzun-Pallas-Verlag
Art.Nr. 21970
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
From Barbarossa to Odessa - Volume 1: The Luftwaffe and Axis Allies Strike South-East: June-October 1941
Bernád, Dénes - Karlenko, Dmitiry - Roba, Jean-Louis
Volume 1:
The Air Battle for Bessarabia - 22 June - 31 July 1941 - A Day-by-Day Account

Softcover, large format
96 Seiten / pages
many photos
very good condition
England - 2007 - Ian Allan Publishing
Art.Nr. 23994
18,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
From Barbarossa to Odessa - Volume 2: The Luftwaffe and Axis Allies Strike South-East: June-October 1941
Bernád, Dénes - Karlenko, Dmitiry - Roba, Jean-Louis
Volume 2:
The Air Battle for Odessa August to October 1941
A day-by-day account.

Softcover, large format
96 Seiten / pages
many photos
very good condition
England - 2008 - Ian Allan Publishing
Art.Nr. 23995
18,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Fünfzig Jahre Luftwaffen- und Luftkriegs-Geschichtsschreibung
Gundelach, Karl

1. Die Forschung zwischen 1919 und 1945 - von Dr. Karl Köhler
2. Die Forschung zwischen 1945 und 1969- von Oberstleutnant i. G. Karl-Heinz Völker
3. Zum Verbleib der Luftwaffenakten beim Zusammenbruch 1945 und danach - von Oberstleutnant Robert Endres

31 Seiten / pages
sehr gut erhalten
Freiburg im Breisgau - 1970 - Militärgeschichtliches Forschungsamt, Abteilung Luftwaffen und Luftkriegsgeschichte
Art.Nr. 23155
26,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Für Tapferkeit und Verdienst: Ein Almanach der von Deutschland und seinen Verbündeten im Ersten und Zweiten Weltkrieg verliehenen Orden und Ehrenzeichen

59 Seiten / pages
einige Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
München - 1956 - Schild-Verlag
Art.Nr. 22952
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
FW 200 - Condor: Kampfgefährte der U-Boote
Nowarra, Heinz J.
Band 52 aus der Reihe "Waffen-Arsenal"

Softcover, großes Querformat
48 Seiten / pages
viele seltene Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
Friedberg - 1978 - Podzun-Pallas-Verlag
Art.Nr. 6601
9,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
FW 200 - Condor: Kampfgefährte der U-Boote
Nowarra, Heinz J.
Band 52 aus der Reihe "Waffen-Arsenal"

Softcover, großes Querformat
48 Seiten / pages
viele seltene Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
Friedberg - 1978 - Podzun-Pallas-Verlag
Art.Nr. 21997
9,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Geheime alliierte Waffen: Von der Atombombe bis zur chemischen Keule
Ford, Brian

144 Seiten / pages
gut erhalten
Rastatt - 1985 - Moewig
Art.Nr. 3910
6,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Geheime Kommandosache "Peenemümde-West": Eine dokumentierte Führung über das Gelände der<br />ehemaligen Erprobungsstelle der Luftwaffe und des NVA-Geschwaderflugplatzes
Gildenhaar, Dietrich

gebundene Ausgabe
117 Seiten / pages
viele Fotos, etliche in Farbe, Luftaufnahmen
sehr gut erhaltenes Exemplar
Ilmenau - 2008 - RhinoVerlag
Art.Nr. 21889
16,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Geheimflugzeuge: Die Top Secret-Projekte der Luftfahrt
Oliver, David - Ryan, Mike
Deutsche Erstausgabe

X-PLANES untersucht die streng geheime Welt der Spionageflugzeuge, neuester Flugzeugprojekte und die sogenannten „schwarzen Programme" der US Air Force. Von den letzten Tagen des Zweiten Weltkriegs, als die Nazis planten, Raketen von U-Booten im Atlantik auf New York zu schießen, über Luftkämpfe über der UdSSR in den 1950er und sechziger Jahren bis zum angeblichen 'Gebrauch von „Alien-Technologien" durch die USAF decken David Oliver und Miike Ryan auf, was tatsächlich geschah...

176 Seiten / pages
viele Fotos und Zeichnungne
sehr gut erhalten, wie neu
Königswinter - 2002 - Heel Verlag
Art.Nr. 21648
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Geheimgeschwader KG 200: Die Wahrheit nach über 30 Jahren
Stahl, Peter W.
Unter Mitarbeit von Manfred Jäger.

Es erschien schon immer geheimnisvoll und vage: das Gesicht des »Gespenster-Geschwaders«, des »Spionage-Geschwaders« KG 200. Hier findet der interessierte Leser nun den lange erwarteten umfassenden, authentischen Bericht von einem, der dabei war: ein Kaleidoskop von Fallschirmagenten, »wichtigen Persönlichkeiten«, »Mistel-Angriffen, Beutebombern, Selbstaufopferern und braven Fliegern..

gebundene Ausgabe
300 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
Stuttgart - 1980 - Motorbuch Verlag
Art.Nr. 12217
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
General Dynamics F-111: A Comprehensive Guide
Thornborough, Anthony M.
First Edition.
MDF - Modellers Datafile # 19

Modellers Datafile is an excellent series on famous aircraft, full of information on the type, photographs of many constuction details from the past, from museums and restauration shops as well as from modell details. Many photos are in color. Included are detailed color schemes, detail drawings of construction details and many more.

Softcover, large format
144 Seiten / pages
many photos and illustrations
very good condition, like new
England - 2013 - SAM Publications
Art.Nr. 23931
32,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
General Dynamics F-16
Holder, William G. - Siuru, Jr., William D.
Aero Series 26

Softcover, large format
104 Seiten / pages
many photos and illustrations, some in color
very good condition
Fallbrook, California - 1976 - Aero Publishers
Art.Nr. 21954
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Air Aces of World War One
Imrie, Alex
Vintage Warbird No 8

Softcover, large format
64 Seiten / pages
many photos
very good condition
Poole, Dorset
Arms and Armour Press
Art.Nr. 21404
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Air Force 1933-45: An Anatomy of Failure
Cooper, Matthew

406 Seiten / pages
many photos
good condition
London - New York - Sydney - 1981 - Jane´s Publishing Company
Art.Nr. 13381
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Air Force Fighters of World War Two - Volume One
Windrow, Martin C.

hardcover, large format
64 Seiten / pages
many photos and color illustrations
good condition
Windsor, England - 1968 - Hylton Lacy Publishers
Art.Nr. 22290
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Air Force Fighters of World War Two - Volume One
Windrow, Martin C.

hardcover, large format
64 Seiten / pages
many photos and color illustrations
good condition
Windsor, England - 1968 - Hylton Lacy Publishers
Art.Nr. 24180
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Air Force Fighters of World War Two - Volume Two
Windrow, Martin C.

hardcover, large format
64 Seiten / pages
many photos and color illustrations
good condition
Windsor, England - 1970 - Hylton Lacy Publishers
Art.Nr. 22289
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Air-Dropped Weapons: to 1945
Fleischer, Wolfgang
First English Language Edition

Aircraft armament is very much an underpublished subject area in which there is a growing interest. This is particularly true of air-dropped ammunition. This subject involves more than just bombs; rockets and a range of other weapons also come into this category. Combine this subject area with the Luftwaffe in World War Two and you have a book which is of great interest to historians and modellers alike and which will also be of some practical value for artificers and personnel dealing with weapons systems in today's air forces. This book traces the development of German air-dropped ammunition, from the crude, 'aeronautical artillery', of World War One to the advanced remote-control bombs of World War Two. Major topics within the book include demolition bombs, incendiary bombs, special dropped ammunition, sea-dropping ammunition and dropping Containers. A comprehensive illustrated listing catalogues information on 100 different bombs, 22 canisters and 50 of the most important bomb fuses.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
239 Seiten / pages
many photos
excellent condition
Hinckley, England - 2004 - Midland Publishing
Art.Nr. 24362
42,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Aircraft Interiors 1935-1945: Volume 1
Merrick, Kenneth A.
First Edition.

The first volume is presented in five chapters covering aircraft instrumentation, aircraft controls and Systems, German flying suits, day fighters and rocket interceptors. Each chapter covers the principal German aircraft of the period (1935-1945) from their noses to their tails. At least one general external view of each aircraft being discussed is presented for reference. Engines are shown separately and mounted within airframes. Cockpit canopies are shown open and closed. Everything normally seen by the pilot strapped into his seat is shown within this volume. Included also are weapons, ammunition, electrical items, fuel, oil and coolant and survival equipment.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
256 Seiten / pages
495 photographs, 212 color photographs, 225 color illustrations
very good condition
Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA - 1996 - Monogram Aviation Publications
Art.Nr. 17552
45,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Aircraft Interiors 1935-1945: Volume 1
Merrick, Kenneth A.
First Edition.

The first volume is presented in five chapters covering aircraft instrumentation, aircraft controls and Systems, German flying suits, day fighters and rocket interceptors. Each chapter covers the principal German aircraft of the period (1935-1945) from their noses to their tails. At least one general external view of each aircraft being discussed is presented for reference. Engines are shown separately and mounted within airframes. Cockpit canopies are shown open and closed. Everything normally seen by the pilot strapped into his seat is shown within this volume. Included also are weapons, ammunition, electrical items, fuel, oil and coolant and survival equipment.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
256 Seiten / pages
495 photographs, 212 color photographs, 225 color illustrations
very good condition
Sturbridge, Massachusetts, USA - 1996 - Monogram Aviation Publications
Art.Nr. 20051
45,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Aircraft of the Second World War
Smith, J. R. - Kay, Antony L.
First Edition

German Aircraft of the Second World War traces the development of the German aircraft industry and the rebirth of German military aviation together with details of the organizations responsible.
The main part of the work is devoted to detailed descriptions and development and operational histories of all categories of aircraft in service during the war including operational aircraft and the major types of trainers.
Following this section there is full coverage of Germany's rotary-wing aircraft including the gyro-kites used at sea with the U-boat fleets. Of enormous interest is the selection of aircraft projects - many so advanced in conception that they had a major influence on post-war aircraft development in Britain, France, the United States and the Soviet Union.
The final main section of this book is devoted to the wide range of German guided and un-guided missiles including the V1 flying bomb and the V2 rockets which paved the way for man's exploration of space.
Appendixes list the type numbers allocated to German aircraft and many of the more advanced projects.
The aircraft and many of the missiles are illustrated by hundreds of photographs many of which have not previously been published. There is also a large number of very detailed general-arrangement drawings.

Original cloth binding with dustjacket
745 Seiten / pages
hundreds of photos and three side drawings
book very good condition, dust jacket rubbed
London - 1972 - Putnam
Art.Nr. 20374
32,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Bombers of World War One
Imrie, Alex
Vintage Aviation fotofax series

Softcover, large format
48 Seiten / pages
many illustrations
very good condition
Arms and Armour Press
Art.Nr. 21410
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Bombers of World War Two - Volume One
Price, Alfred

hardcover, large format
64 Seiten / pages
many photos and color illustrations
good condition
Bucks, England - 1968 - Hylton Lacy Publishers
Art.Nr. 22288
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Bombers of World War Two - Volume Two
Price, Alfred

hardcover, large format
64 Seiten / pages
many photos and color illustrations
good condition
Bucks, England - 1969 - Hylton Lacy Publishers
Art.Nr. 22287
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Bombers Over England: A Selection of German Wartime Photographs from the Bundesarchiv, Koblenz
Philpott, Bryan
The Blitz and the Battle of Britain are landmarks in English history; but this book shows them from the opposing, German,
viewpoint. It is a unique collection of rare or otherwise interesting photographs taken on the spot by Luftwaffe war
correspondents both on the ground and in the air, and
includes many famous aircraft types with detailed notes on
units, designations and colour schemes. As such it will be of
invaluable use to all historians, modellers and aviation
First published in 1978, the book is now once again available, in a new, updated and revised edition.

95 Seiten / pages
many photos
very good condition
England - 1988 - Patrick Stephens
Art.Nr. 23977
9,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Colour Birds: Bunte Mühlen der Bundeswehr und der Nationalen Volksarmee 1956 - 2000
Morasch, Florian
Text in Deutsch und Englisch
Text in German and English language

Sie sind die Vorzeigestücke der fliegenden Verbände der Bundeswehr. Die Rede ist von den sonderbemalten Flugzeugen und Hubschraubern der Bundeswehr, den "Bunten Mühlen"! Einen repräsentativen Überblick über die Sonderanstriche der Luftwaffe, des Heeres, der Marine sowie der Luftstreitkräfte der Nationalen Volksarmee möchte dieses Buch dem interessierten Leser bieten.

They are the pride of the flying units of the Bundeswehr. We are talking about the "Colour Birds"! the special painted Aircraft and helicopters of the Bundeswehr. This book presents a representative collection of the special paint schemes of the German Luftwaffe, the Heer, the Marine and the Luftstreitkräfte of the Nationale Volksarmee.

Softcover, Großformat - large format
143 Seiten / pages
viele Farbfotos - many color photos
sehr gut erhalten - very good condition
Allershausen - 2001 - Nara Verlag
Art.Nr. 19363
22,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Fighter Units June 1917 - 1918
Imre, Alex
Airwar 17

48 Seiten / pages
photos and color plates
very good condition
London - 1978 - Osprey Publishing
Art.Nr. 21407
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Jets of World War Two
Griel, Manfred
Warbirds Illustrated No. 52

64 Seiten / pages
many color photos
very good condition
Poole, Dorset - 1988 - Arms and Armour Press
Art.Nr. 21830
18,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
German Military Aircraft in the Second World War: Volume 1 Japanese language - Volume 2 English language
Sekigawa, Eiichiro (Editor)
Two volumes together:
Volume 1
- photos, text in Japanese language
Volume 2:
- text in English language

Hardcover - 2 volumes
420 Seiten / pages
photos and three-side-views
very good condition
Tokyo, Japan - 1960 - Published for "Airview" by Kantosha Co.
Art.Nr. 11332
28,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Germanys First Air Force: 1914 - 1918
Kilduff, Peter
Just a few short years after man built his first flying machine, Germany's first air force was ready for action; 1910 and 1911 were its formative years, prior to the establishment in 1912 by von Moltke of a separate air arm known as the Fliegertruppe.
The techniques adopted and refined by pilots during the initial stages of the war were reminiscent of a medieval joust, combat consisting of the two foes, armed with hand-held weaponry, coming together at speed. Progress, however, was quite rapid and Germany strove to maintain a lead over her foes, developing such fine fighter aircraft as the Albatros and Fokker series; bombers such as the AEG Gotha and Friedrichshafen series. Skilied and innovative pilots like Immelmann and Boelcke devised many air fighting techniques.
Peter Kilduff has researched the subject for twenty-five years and has interviewed more than a hundred German aviators. He has had unparalleled access to German archives in East and West, thereby enabling him to present full and first-hand accounts of the often-forgotten airmen who were every bit as brave as their more famous compatriots. Air actions in both eastern and western theatres are featured, and the full range of operational aspects is covered, from bombing, reconnaissance, and balloons, to fighter escort, ground-support, and marine interdiction. In addition, lengthy coverage is given to the exploits of Lothar von Richthofen, the Red Baron's highly gifted younger brother.
Diligently researched and magnificently illustrated, Germany's First Air Force is a valuable addition to aviation history and will be welcomed by enthusiasts.

Hardcover with dust jacket
160 Seiten / pages
photos and maps
very good condition
Osceola, Wi, USA - 1991 - Motorbooks International
Art.Nr. 21411
26,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Geschichte des Jagdgeschwaders 77: Teil 2 - 1941 - 1942
Prien, Jochen
Einsatz im Osten - Unernehmen Barbarossa
Winterkämpfe im Osten
Einsatz auf der Krim und im Süden der Ostfront
Einsatz im Rahmen der Sommeroffensive Juli bis November 1942
Einsatz gegen Leningrad

Gebundene Ausgabe mit Schutzumschlag, Großformat
605 Seiten / pages
sehr viele Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
Eutin - 1993 - stuve-Druck
Art.Nr. 11806
65,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Geschichte des Luftkriegs 1910 bis 1980
Groehler, Olaf
«Am Morgen des 14. November 1940 wurden die Luftflotten 2 und 3 angewiesen, in der Nacht Coventry zu bombardieren. Die faschistische Führung zog zu diesem Zweck alle ihre noch in Westeuropa verbliebenen Bombenfliegerkräfte heran... Um Mitternacht langten die Hauptkräfte des I., IV. und V. Fliegerkorps über Coventry an. In präzis geplantem Wechsel warfen sie schwere und mittelschwere Sprengbomben ab, die die Häuser in Trümmer legten ... Besatzungen des Kampfgeschwaders l, die gegen 03.30 Uhr Coventry angriffen, meldeten ...»
Eine Stadt zu «coventrieren» wurde zum Synonym des sinnlosen, barbarischen Luftterrors gegen die Zivilbevölkerung mit dem Ziel, die Städte dem Erdboden gleichzumachen und alles Leben in ihnen auszulöschen. Aber nicht nur diese Seite des Luftkriegsgeschehens der letzten 70 Jahre, die bestimmte Wesenszüge des Imperialismus enthüllt, beschreibt der Autor in seinem Buch; auch die Luftschlachten des ersten Weltkriegs, die Entwicklung der sowjetischen Luft-Streitkräfte, die Einsatzprinzipien und Luftkriegsanschauungen der 20er und 30er Jahre, den Luftkrieg über Äthiopien und Spanien, die Kampfhandlungen der Luftstreitkräfte an der sowjetischdeutschen Front, die Entwicklung der Luftstreitkräfte in den bedeutendsten Staaten nach 1945 sowie Luftkriegskonzeptionen und Luftkriege der jüngsten Vergangenheit lernen wir kennen. Daneben vermittelt der Autor einen aufschlußreichen Einblick in den Zusammenhang von Politik und Kriegführung und zeigt am Beispiel des Luftkriegs die Einführung neuer Bewaffnung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Kampfhandlungen, die dabei aufgetretenen taktischen und technischen Probleme sowie den gesellschaftlichen und politischen Unterschied in der Entwicklung sozialistischer und imperialistischer Luftstreitkräfte.
Seine Darlegungen werden durch eine Vielzahl interessanter historischer Fotos, grafischer Darstellungen, eine Auswahl der gebräuchlichen Militärflugzeugtypen, sowie viele Tabellen und farbige Karten veranschaulicht und erläutert.

Leinen mit Schutzumschlag
744 Seiten / pages
hunderte Fotos und z.T. farbige Darstellungen
gut erhaltenes Exemplar
Berlin (Ost) - 1981 - Militärverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
Art.Nr. 18066
18,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Geschichte des Luftkriegs 1910 bis 1980
Groehler, Olaf
«Am Morgen des 14. November 1940 wurden die Luftflotten 2 und 3 angewiesen, in der Nacht Coventry zu bombardieren. Die faschistische Führung zog zu diesem Zweck alle ihre noch in Westeuropa verbliebenen Bombenfliegerkräfte heran... Um Mitternacht langten die Hauptkräfte des I., IV. und V. Fliegerkorps über Coventry an. In präzis geplantem Wechsel warfen sie schwere und mittelschwere Sprengbomben ab, die die Häuser in Trümmer legten ... Besatzungen des Kampfgeschwaders l, die gegen 03.30 Uhr Coventry angriffen, meldeten ...»
Eine Stadt zu «coventrieren» wurde zum Synonym des sinnlosen, barbarischen Luftterrors gegen die Zivilbevölkerung mit dem Ziel, die Städte dem Erdboden gleichzumachen und alles Leben in ihnen auszulöschen. Aber nicht nur diese Seite des Luftkriegsgeschehens der letzten 70 Jahre, die bestimmte Wesenszüge des Imperialismus enthüllt, beschreibt der Autor in seinem Buch; auch die Luftschlachten des ersten Weltkriegs, die Entwicklung der sowjetischen Luft-Streitkräfte, die Einsatzprinzipien und Luftkriegsanschauungen der 20er und 30er Jahre, den Luftkrieg über Äthiopien und Spanien, die Kampfhandlungen der Luftstreitkräfte an der sowjetischdeutschen Front, die Entwicklung der Luftstreitkräfte in den bedeutendsten Staaten nach 1945 sowie Luftkriegskonzeptionen und Luftkriege der jüngsten Vergangenheit lernen wir kennen. Daneben vermittelt der Autor einen aufschlußreichen Einblick in den Zusammenhang von Politik und Kriegführung und zeigt am Beispiel des Luftkriegs die Einführung neuer Bewaffnung und ihre Auswirkungen auf die Kampfhandlungen, die dabei aufgetretenen taktischen und technischen Probleme sowie den gesellschaftlichen und politischen Unterschied in der Entwicklung sozialistischer und imperialistischer Luftstreitkräfte.
Seine Darlegungen werden durch eine Vielzahl interessanter historischer Fotos, grafischer Darstellungen, eine Auswahl der gebräuchlichen Militärflugzeugtypen, sowie viele Tabellen und farbige Karten veranschaulicht und erläutert.

Leinen mit Schutzumschlag
744 Seiten / pages
hunderte Fotos und z.T. farbige Darstellungen
gut erhaltenes Exemplar
Berlin (Ost) - 1981 - Militärverlag der Deutschen Demokratischen Republik
Art.Nr. 20430
18,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Geschichte einer Transportflieger-Gruppe im II. Weltkrieg: Erinnerungen - Photos - Dokumente
Die II. Kampfgeschwader zur besonderen Verwendung 1 1938-1943 umbenannt in Transportgeschwader 1

Die II. Gruppe des Kampfgeschwaders z.b.V. l, deren Geschichte hier anhand von Berichten, Dokumenten, Photos und Karten dargestellt wird, steht stellvertretend auch für die anderen Lufttransportgruppen, die während des
Zweiten Weltkrieges von der deutschen Luftwaffe eingesetzt worden sind.
Durch zahlreiche, hier erstmals publizierte Erlebnisberichte wird ebenso anschaulich wie eindringlich verdeutlicht, unter welchen schwierigen Bedingungen die Ju 52- und SM 82-Besatzungen vor fast 50 Jahren geflogen sind.

Leinen mit Schutzumschlag
250 Seiten / pages
viele Fotos, Karten und Dokumente
sehr gut erhalten
1989 - Kameradschaft ehemaliger Transportflieger
Art.Nr. 19973
48,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Ghosts Squadron of the Confederate Air Force: American Air Power 1939-1945

Softcover, large format
50 Seiten / pages
many color photos
very good condition
Art.Nr. 12396
18,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Ghosts: Vintage Aircraft of World War II
Makanna, Philip (author) - Yeager, Chuck (Foreword)
Foreword by Chuck Yeager. Large format high quality photos of vintage WW II aircraft. The photos alone are excellent aviation art, let alone the impresssivly restored and demonstrated aircraft. At the end of the book each aircraft is illustrated in three side view with some technical data.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
120 Seiten / pages
many color photos
very good condition
USA - 1987 - Thomasson-Grant Inc.
Art.Nr. 17508
35,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Gladiator vs CR.42 Falco: 1940-41
Gustavsson, Håkan - Slongo, Ludovico
This is the account of machines of war pitted against each other and the combatants who operated them. Step onto the battlefield and immerse yourself in the experience of real historic combat.
Both the Gloster Gladiator and the Fiat CR.42 represented the peak in the development of the biplane fighter which could trace its lineage back to World War I. However, by the time both aircraft entered service in the late 1930s, they were already obsolete. Nevertheless, they gave sterling service on all fronts in the Mediterranean and Africa in 1940-41. Indeed, the CR.42 was the Regia Aeronautica's staple fighter in both North and East Africa, Greece and over Malta in 1940-41, during which time its pilots routinely fought against British and Commonwealth squadrons equipped in the main with Gladiators. Some bitter dogfights were fought between these two types as the Allies attempted to seize control of the skies over North Africa, Greece and East Africa. The biplanes were, in the main, flown by highly experienced pre-war pilots, and this in turn made for some closely fought engagements.

80 Seiten / pages
rare photos, a color map and some excellent color illustrations
very good condition
England - 2012 - Osprey Publications
Art.Nr. 23978
22,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Gladiators Over Malta: The Story of Faith, Hope and Charity
Cull, Brian - Galea, Frederick
First Edition, signed by both authors

Aviation researchers and writers Brian Cull and Frederick Galea have carefully detailed thefirst six weeks of the air war over Malta while tracking thefates ofthe legendary Gladiators Faith, Hope and Charity.

120 Seiten / pages
many photographs
very good condition, signed by both authors
Rabat, Malta - 2008 - Wise Owl Publications
Art.Nr. 23985
24,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Gloster Meteor
Jones, Barry
Crowood Aviation Series

First Edition

The Gloster Meteor typifies the advance of technology during World War Two more than any other type. Not only was it the first turbojet-powered aeroplane to enter service with the RAF, but it came from the Company that produced the Gladiator biplane fighter which was still in front-line service during the early war years.
The Meteor went on to enjoy a service career that spanned five decades. Built as a fighter, nightfighter, photo-reconnaissance aeroplane and trainer, it was also widely used as a trials aircraft and one example is still used for live-firing tests of ejector seats.
Barry Jones tells the full story of the design, development and
operational career of this extraordinary aeroplane. He also covers the export versions and trials aircraft in this well researched and illustrated book.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
191 Seiten / pages
many photos
very good condition
Wiltshire, England - 1988 - The Crowood Press
Art.Nr. 23758
38,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Grumman F-14 Tomcat
Baker, David
Crowood Aviation Series

First Edition

The Grumman F-14 Tomcat is regarded as one of the finest air superiority fighters in the world. Designed for carrier operations to protect the fleet froin incoming hostile aeroplanes, the Tomcat is fast, manoeuvrable and well-armed. Capable of flying at over Mach 2, ist swing wings enable it to operate safely from carrier decks.
Dr David Baker tells the full story of this remarkable aeroplane, from ist troubled inception through its design and development to the present and covers the full histories of every US Navy Tomcat unit. Illustrated with over 150 photographs, Grumman F-14 Tomcat is a fine addition to the Crowood Aviation Series.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
192 Seiten / pages
many photos
good condition
Wiltshire, England - 1999 - The Crowood Press
Art.Nr. 23777
28,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Grumman F6F-3 / 5 Hellcat: in USN - USMC - FAA - Aeronavale & Uruguayan Service
Ward, Richard - Hill, Richard M. - Roffe, Michael P.
Arco-Aircam Aviation Series No. 23

48 Seiten / pages
many photos color side views
very good condition
New York - 1971 - Arco Publishing Company
Art.Nr. 21857
14,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Grumman HU-16 "Albatross"
Israel, Ulrich
Illustrierte Reihe für den Typensammler
Heft 42

32 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen und 3-Seiten-Ansichten
sehr gut erhalten
Berlin (Ost) - 1968 - Deutscher Militärverlag
Art.Nr. 22631
8,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Grumman HU-16 "Albatross"
Israel, Ulrich
Illustrierte Reihe für den Typensammler
Heft 42

32 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen und 3-Seiten-Ansichten
sehr gut erhalten
Berlin (Ost) - 1968 - Deutscher Militärverlag
Art.Nr. 23055
8,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Grumman OV-1A "Mohawk"
Schreiber, Eckhard
Illustrierte Reihe für den Typensammler mit Variant-Modell.
Heft 15
Beilage: 3 Negative

32 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen und 3-Seiten-Ansichten. Mit Film-Beilage
sehr gut erhalten
Berlin (Ost) - 1965 - Deutscher Militärverlag
Art.Nr. 18342
8,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Grumman OV-1A "Mohawk"
Schreiber, Eckhard
Illustrierte Reihe für den Typensammler mit Variant-Modell.
Heft 15
Beilage: 3 Negative

32 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen und 3-Seiten-Ansichten. Mit Film-Beilage
sehr gut erhalten
Berlin (Ost) - 1965 - Deutscher Militärverlag
Art.Nr. 22604
8,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Grumman OV-1A "Mohawk"
Schreiber, Eckhard
Illustrierte Reihe für den Typensammler mit Variant-Modell.
Heft 15
Beilage: 3 Negative

32 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen und 3-Seiten-Ansichten. Mit Film-Beilage
sehr gut erhalten
Berlin (Ost) - 1965 - Deutscher Militärverlag
Art.Nr. 23028
8,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Grumman TBF / TBM "Avenger"
Jackson, B.R. - Doll, T.E. - Dietz, James (Artwork)
Aero Series 21

Softcover, large format
60 Seiten / pages
many photos and color illustrations
very good condition
Fallbrook, California - 1970 - Aero Publishers
Art.Nr. 16565
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Gustav - Messerschmitt 109G - Part 1
Hitchcock, Thomas H.
Monogram Close-Up 6

Softcover, large format
32 Seiten / pages
many photos and illustations, some color photos
very good condition
Boylston, Massachusetts, USA - 1976 - Monogram Aviation Publications
Art.Nr. 23624
15,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Gustav - Messerschmitt 109G - Part 2
Hitchcock, Thomas H.
Monogram Close-Up 7

Softcover, large format
32 Seiten / pages
many photos and illustations, some color photos
very good condition
Boylston, Massachusetts, USA - 1977 - Monogram Aviation Publications
Art.Nr. 23625
15,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Haarscharf am Abgrund vorbei…: Als Luftwaffenhelfer der 6./le.Flak-Abt. 755 in Krieg und Gefangenschaft 1944/1945
Behrens, Friedrich
Das Buch stellt einen sehr prägenden Ausschnitt aus dem Leben des Autors dar. Heimatnah nach Stade einberufen - wie bereits vorher viele Jugendliche seiner Generation - fand er sich nach Abschluss der Ausbildung und einigen Verlegungen mit seiner Fiak-Batterie im Endkampf um Berlin wieder, Eine glückliche Fügung des Schicksals wollte es, dass er dem einzigen Zug der Batterie angehörte, der noch vor Eintreffen der sowjetischen Truppen aus der Reichshauptstadt herausgelöst wurde, Aber damit war er den lebensbedrohenden Situationen durch Tiefflieger, Bombardements und Artilleriebeschuss bei weitem nicht entronnen. Erst nach Durchschwimmen der Elbe bei Wittenberge gelangte er am 2,Mai 1945 in amerikanische Kriegsgefangenschaft, Diese bescherte ihm nicht nur einen Aufenthalt in einem der berüchtigten „Rheinwiesenlager" bei Rheinberg, sondern später auch eines der ersten „Re-Education Camps" bei Foucarville in der Normandie. Nach seiner Entlassung erreichte er von dort gegen Ende September 1945 seine Heimat Sittensen.

148 Seiten / pages
Fotos, Karten, Dokumente
sehr gut erhalten
Norderstedt - 2013 - Books on Demand
Art.Nr. 23157
18,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Harrier: Ski-jump to Victory
Godden, John (Editor)
Since the Falklands campaign ended in June 1982 many and varied accounts have been published on the performance of the British naval and military equipment deployed in the South Atlantic.
Regardless of comments - often highly critical - made about the performance and combat-worthiness of other equipment used there has been universal agreement that the Royal Navy's Sea Harriers and the Royal Air Forces's Harrier GR3s emerged from this, their baptism of fire, with a reputation that is now legendary. Dauntingly outnumbered, these small subsonic jets held the Falklands airspace against the might of the Argentine Air Force's fast subsonic and supersonic aircraft, and they emerged victorious.
This book recounts the personal experience of just a few of the RN and RAF personnel who took the Harrier to war for the first time. It uses their words to tell of their own thoughts and actions, their feelings about the conflict and how V/STOL was vindicated during its greatest test.
Illustrating the personal accounts are over 100 photographs, many of which have not been seen publicly before.
John Godden, the editor, embarked on this project while the Falklands campaign was still in progress and has taken the best part of a year researching and compiling the material contained here.
His Professional experience was gained in journalism beginning on local newspapers before moving to an internationally recognised daily. For the last three years he has been responsibleforthe production of marketing material for the Hawk and Harrier at the Kingston-upon-Thames factory of British Aerospace.
The idea for this account of the air war in the Falklands originated shortly after the ceasefire, foltowing John Godden's first meeting with Lieutenant Commander Tony Ogilvy RN, whose personal account of the action formed the earliest cornerstone of the present Contents.

Softcover, large format
132 Seiten / pages
many photos and illustrations
very good condition
England - 1983 - British Aerospace - Brassey's Defence Publishers
Art.Nr. 20632
22,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hawk: British Aerospace Hawk T Mk 1
Aeroguide 1

Softcover, large format
32 Seiten / pages
many photos
good condition
England - 1983 - Linewrights
Art.Nr. 16271
14,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hawker "Hunter"
Eberhardt, Werner
Illustrierte Reihe für den Typensammler mit Variant-Modell.
Heft 18
Beilage: 3 Negative

32 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen und 3-Seiten-Ansichten. Mit Film-Beilage
sehr gut erhalten
Berlin (Ost) - 1965 - Deutscher Militärverlag
Art.Nr. 22607
8,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hawker "Hunter"
Eberhardt, Werner
Illustrierte Reihe für den Typensammler mit Variant-Modell.
Heft 18
Beilage: 3 Negative

32 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen und 3-Seiten-Ansichten. Mit Film-Beilage
sehr gut erhalten
Berlin (Ost) - 1965 - Deutscher Militärverlag
Art.Nr. 23031
8,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hawker / Armstrong Whitworth N.7 / 46 "Sea Hawk"
Israel, Ulrich (Korvettenkapitän)
Illustrierte Reihe für den Typensammler mit Variant-Modell.
Heft 11
Beilage: Negative

32 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen und 3-Seiten-Ansichten. Mit Film-Beilage
sehr gut erhalten
Berlin (Ost) - 1965 - Deutscher Militärverlag
Art.Nr. 22600
8,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hawker Hurricane
Jacobs, Peter
Crowood Aviation Series

First Edition

The Hawker Hurricane was one of the most important aeroplanes of World War Two. Although sometimes overshadowed by its contemporary, the Supermarine Spitfire, it was a first-class fighter which went on to become a liighly effective ground-attack aeroplane, carrying larger weapons than its designers had anticipated.
Peter Jacobs tells the full story of this remarkable aeroplane, from its beginnings in the days before World War Two, through its Service in the Battle of Britain, over Europe and in the skies of Russia, the desert and the Far East, and its use as a naval fighter.
With many rare photographs this is a fine addition to the Crowood Aviation Series.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
192 Seiten / pages
many photos
book very condition, dust jacket a little rubbed
Wiltshire, England - 1998 - The Crowood Press
Art.Nr. 23759
32,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hawker Typhoon
Thomas, Chris
Warpaint Series No. 5

Softcover, large format
28 Seiten / pages
many photos, some in color, color sideviews, 3-side-view and a color table
very good condition
Hall Park Books
Art.Nr. 23548
15,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hawker Typhoon, Tempest and Sea Fury
Darling, Kev
Crowood Aviation Series

First Edition

The Typhoon was designed by Hawkers as a replacement for their own successful but soon outclassed Hurricane. The key to the success of the new type - its hugely powerful 24-cylinder engine - however proved to be a mixed blessing, as it could not be persuaded to work reliably at altitude. But in the ground-attack role, to which the Typhoon was hastily transferred, the aircraft made its name and played an important part supporting Allied troops in the liberation of Europe. The Tempest was a development of the Typhoon, using a new and more modern wing section that increased the top speed of the aircraft and which, when combined with the Bristol Centaurus radial engine in the Tempest II variant, made for a most effective fighter.
The final development of the line was the Fury, which took the essential elements of the Tempest II and wrapped them in a smaller, lighter and more agile package. The RAF, in fact, never ordered a Fury, but in Naval form as the Sea Fury it was the mainstay of the Fleet Air Arm during the Korean War and after.
This well-researched and readable book tells the full story of these important aircraft.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
192 Seiten / pages
many photos
excellent condition
Wiltshire, England - 2003 - The Crowood Press
Art.Nr. 23760
85,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
He 111 an allen Fronten: Vom ersten bis zum letzten Tag
Kober, Franz
Band 50 aus der Reihe "Waffen-Arsenal"

Softcover, großes Querformat
48 Seiten / pages
sehr viele Abbildungen, mit Poster
sehr gut erhalten
Friedberg - 1978 - Podzun-Pallas-Verlag
Art.Nr. 21044
9,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
He 111 an allen Fronten: Vom ersten bis zum letzten Tag
Kober, Franz
Band 50 aus der Reihe "Waffen-Arsenal"

Softcover, großes Querformat
48 Seiten / pages
sehr viele Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten, Poster fehlt.
Friedberg - 1978 - Podzun-Pallas-Verlag
Art.Nr. 22002
4,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
He 111 Over All Fronts
Kober, Franz

Softcover, large format
48 Seiten / pages
many photos
very good condition
West Chester, PA - 1991 - Schiffer Military History
Art.Nr. 19734
9,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heading South with the 403d Chinooks: Chico California Camp August 1956

red spiral comb binding, large format
48 Seiten / pages
many photos
very good condition
1956 - US Air Force
Art.Nr. 8132
18,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heaven Next Stop: A Luftwaffe Fighter Pilot at War
Bloemertz, Gunther
Revised Edition

First published in 1953, 'Heaven Next Stop' is the vivid personal story of a German fighter pilot set in the latter years of the Second World War. Günther Bloemertz was one of the legendary 'Abbeville Boys' of Jagdgeschwader 26 who flew Focke-Wulf FW 190 day fighters from their base in northern France against intruding RAF fighters and USAAF bombers.
Bloemertz describes life and death on the squadron, his fellow pilots and their almost daily duels with RAF Spitfires and USAAF Flying Fortresses, fought at both ground level and in the stratosphere over the Pas de Calais. Following the D-Day landings his Geschwader was eventually forced to retreat into Germany in August 1944 from where they fought an increasingly desperate battle against the Allied massed bomber streams. On New Year's Day 1945 he took part in the massive Luftwaffe dawn attack on Allied airfields in Belgium and Holland, Operation 'Bodenplatte', which claimed the lives of many Allied airmen and destroyed dozens of aircraft on the ground.
Bloemertz concludes his story by relating the part he played as a fighter pilot defending the crumbling Third Reich in its final death throes, when he and fellow pilot Werner were all that remained of the original 'Abbeville Boys'. In the last hours of the war both Günther and Werner were shot down in dogfights with Allied fighters. Werner was killed and Günther bailed out of his aircraft, his face and body horrifically burned.
Heaven Next Stop gives us a fascinating insight into the lives of the Luftwaffe's fighter pilots during the Second World War. It also emphasizes that apart from the small number of Nazi fanatics in their ranks, there was little to distinguish the average Luftwaffe pilot from his opposite numbers in the RAF or USAAF… Looking at a photograph of RAF pilots in a magazine, one of Bloemertz's fellow pilots exclaims: 'Have a look at those faces! They might just as well belong to us.'

Hardcover with dust jacket
189 Seiten / pages
very good condition
England - 1996 - Sutton Publishing
Art.Nr. 24190
22,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heaven Next Stop: Impressions of a German Fighter Pilot
Bloemertz, Gunther
These are the personal experiences of a fighter pilot in the German Air Force in North-West France and Belgium from 1940 to 1945. Against the background of a Germany at first victorious and gradually becoming conscious of defeat, Günther Bloemertz tells the story of his squadron. It is a story of 'ten little nigger boys' one by one removed by death.

189 Seiten / pages
good condition
London - 1968 - William Kimber
Art.Nr. 24262
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel 100, 112
Hirsch, R.S. - Feist, Uwe - Nowarra, H.J.
Aero Series 12

The Heinkel He 100 was a German pre-World War II fighter aircraft design. It was one of the fastest fighter aircraft in the world. Only 19 aircraft were build.

The Heinkel He 112 was one of four aircraft types designed to compete for the Luftwaffe's 1933 fighter contract (The He 112 eventually came second behind the Messerschmitt Bf 109). About 100 aircraft were build.

Softcover, large format
52 Seiten / pages
many photos and three-side views
very good condition
Fallbrook, California - 1967 - Aero Publishers
Art.Nr. 23590
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel 100, 112
Hirsch, R.S. - Feist, Uwe - Nowarra, H.J.
Aero Series 12

The Heinkel He 100 was a German pre-World War II fighter aircraft design. It was one of the fastest fighter aircraft in the world. Only 19 aircraft were build.

The Heinkel He 112 was one of four aircraft types designed to compete for the Luftwaffe's 1933 fighter contract (The He 112 eventually came second behind the Messerschmitt Bf 109). About 100 aircraft were build.

Softcover, large format
52 Seiten / pages
many photos and three-side views
very good condition
Fallbrook, California - 1967 - Aero Publishers
Art.Nr. 23591
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel 177 "Greif"
Hirsch, R.S. - Feist, Uwe
Aero Series 13

Softcover, large format
52 Seiten / pages
many photos and some color illustrations
very good condition
Fallbrook, California - 1967 - Aero Publishers.
Art.Nr. 23583
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel Combat Aircraft
Griehl, Manfred

80 Seiten / pages
many photos
very good condition
London - 1992 - Arms & Armour Press
Art.Nr. 23979
22,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 100 Record Breaker: Variants - Weapons - Equipment
Hood, Erwin
First Edition.
From the series: Military Aircraft in Detail

Though the Luftwaffe ordered the famous Messerschmitt Bf 109 as its front-line fighter for delivery in 1937, aircraft designer Ernst Heinkel proposed a much faster aircraft. This was the Heinkel He 100, completed the same year as a small, sleek, clipped wing single-seat aircraft with an inverted vee 12-cylinder Daimler-Benz DB 601 engine.
On 30 March 1939, piloted by Hans Dieterle, the He 100, set a new absolute world speed record, when the eighth such prototype aircraft to be built flew at 746.6 krn/h, delighting Hitler with a global propaganda coup. While a number were sold to the Soviet Union and Japan as machine-gun and cannon-armed variants, the rest were taken by the Luftwaffe to form the Heinkel-Rostock defence unit. In 1940 this unit was used by Josef Goebbels, the Nazi Propaganda Minister, to convince Britain that Germany had another fighter in service, the spurious 'He 113'.
The He 100 was an enigmatic aircraft, about which still relatively little is known. This book covers all aspects of the aircraft's development, the various sub-series produced, its high-speed accomplishments, and use that was made of it for propaganda and intelligence purposes. The aircraft which were supplied to Russia and Japan are examined as well as a later project based on it. This volume also includes a number of previously unpublished photographs, colour artworks and specially produced detailed technical drawings.
The author has spent many years researching this enigmatic aircraft. In this volume of Military Aircraft in Detail, the He 100 is covered in unprecedented detail. The book includes:
Design and development
High-Speed accomplishments
Propaganda and Intelligence values
Soviel and Japanese usage
Commissioned colour artwork
Specially produced technical drawings

Softcover, large format
96 Seiten / pages
many photos, drawings and illustrations
very good condition, like new
Hersham, England - 2007 - Midland Publishing
Art.Nr. 23914
36,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 111
Feist, Uwe - Dario, Mike
Band 20 aus der Reihe "Waffen-Arsenal"

Softcover, großes Querformat
48 Seiten / pages
sehr viele Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten, Poster fehlt.
Friedberg - 1976 - Podzun-Pallas-Verlag
Art.Nr. 22003
9,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 111
Mackay, Ron
Crowood Aviation Series

First Edition

The Heinkel He 111 is perhaps the best known of all the Luftwaffe's World War Two bombers. Designed originally as a civil airliner, it made its mark in the bomber role in the Spanish Civil War. Active from the beginning of World War Two, the He 111 played a crucial part in the bombardment of targets in Britain and, later, the Eastern Front.
Ron Mackay's history of this important aircraft places it firmly in the context of the course of World War Two, and shows how it went from being a fast, effective machine to a seriously outclassed deathtrap, attempting to stay on the offensive right up until the end of the war.
Illustrated with many archive photographs, this is a book for anyone interested in aviation or World War Two.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
192 Seiten / pages
many photos
very good condition
Wiltshire, England - 2003 - The Crowood Press
Art.Nr. 23757
38,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 111: Teil 2 - Die P und frühen H Varianten des Standard-bombers der Luftwaffe im Zweiten Weltkrieg - »Part 2 - P and early H variants of the standard bomber aircraft of the Luftwaffe in World War II"
Griehl, Manfred
World War II Combat Aircraft Photo Archive No. 07

Deutsch - English

Softcover, large format - Großformat
48 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen, many photos
sehr gut erhalten, very good condition
Erlangen, Germany - 2008 - AirDOC Aircraft Documentations
Art.Nr. 20930
15,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 112: in Action
Bernád, Dénis - Greer, Don
Aircraft in Action Series No. 159

Softcover, large format
50 Seiten / pages
many photos and illustrations
excellent condition
Carrollton, Texas, USA - 1996 - squadron/signal publications
Art.Nr. 22009
15,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 162 Spatz: From Drawing Board to Destruction: The Volksjager Spatz
Forsyth, Robert - Creek, Eddie J.
If it can be said that adversity generates creativity, then the story ofthe Heinkel He 162 jetfighter is testimony to such a precept. From the summer of 1944, the adversity facing the leadership of the Third Reich was formidable. Ironically however, the very existence of such adversity prompted the construction of many inventive and radical designs to undertake the air defence of the Reich on a determined and even manic scale. The pinnacle of these accomplishments was the so-called Volksjäger-project, the 'People's Fighter', which was, and still is, regarded as a 'miracle of production'.
Created in desperation by the Nazi leadership in mid-1944, and powered by a BMW turbojet, the He 162 was known to its pilots as the 'Spatz' (the 'Sparrow'). It represented an unprecedented aeronautical and engineering achievement, with the jet-powered interceptor going from drawing board to operational readiness in just six months, often at considerable human cost. It was foreseen that hundreds of mass-produced, cheap-to-build He 162 Volksjäger, flown by hurriedly trained young pilots using a combination of technology and fanaticism, would defend the skies over Germany against massive formations of Allied heavy bombers and their fighter escorts.
In this extensively researched book, aviation historians Robert Forsyth and Eddie J. Creekdraw, for the first time, on previously unused Heinkel Company papers to offer a unique insight into the workings of the Nazi production system in the late war period, as well as other German and Allied documents. Their work is supported by many rare photographs and accompanied by line drawings and facsimile documents as well as highly detailed colour art-work by He 162 specialist, Simon Schatz.
Heinkel He 162 Spatz offers the whole history ofthe Volksjäger project, from its inception in September 1944, through to the aircraft's ultimate operational deployment with Jagdgeschwader l, and is the most comprehensive history of this amazing aircraft ever to be published in the English language. A natural accompaniment to the other detailed German aircraft monographs from Classic Publications, it is certain to find a ready audience and will form an essential reference work for all those interested in the airpower of World War 2.

hardcover with dust jacket, large format
208 Seiten / pages
many photos, technical drawings
excellent condition
Hersham, UK - 2008 - Classic Publications
Art.Nr. 24311
185,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 162 Volksjäger
Maloney, Edward T. - Feist, Uwe (scale drawings)
Aero Series 4

Softcover, large format
36 Seiten / pages
many photos and color illustrations
very good condition
Fallbrook, California - 1965 - Aero Publishers
Art.Nr. 23586
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 162: Die Geschichte des legendären "Volksjägers"
Griehl, Manfred
Heft Nr. 34 aus der Reihe "Flugzeug Profile"

Heft, Großformat
50 Seiten / pages
sehr viele Fotos, farbige Klapptafel mit Dreiseitenansicht
sehr gut erhalten
Flugzeug Publikations GmbH
Art.Nr. 21791
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 177, 277, 274
Griehl, Manfred - Dressel, Joachim
The story of the evolution of Heinkel's heavyweight is one of genius, disaster and despair. The He 177 was conceived as a long-range heavy dive-bomber, a sort of 'Big Stuka' and it was hoped that it would become one of the pillars of the Luftwaffe's armament. It was an aeroplane that incorporated many novel ideas and inventions - too many, since the aircraft became plagued with teething problems that affected many aspects of the test flying programme and eventually led to relatively small production runs.
Many configurations were tried as the designers struggled to iron out the problems of unreliability that were causing the deaths of many pilots and crew. Such novel ideas as two engines powering one propeller were eventually dropped and a more conventional four-engine model was born. This then, is the entire story of this unlucky aeroplane and its operational career.

Hardcover with dust jacket
247 Seiten / pages
many photos and drawings
very good condition
Shrewsbury, England - 1998 - Airlife Publishing
Art.Nr. 24266
34,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 177-277-274: Eine luftfahrtgeschichtliche Dokumentation
Griehl, Manfred - Dressel, Joachim
Die Heinkel He177 hatte keinen verheißungsvollen Start:
Die Prototypen Nummer zwei und vier zerbrachen in der Luft, Nummer fünf fing Feuer und stürzte ab - Deutschlands erster und einziger schwerer Bomber war ein Sorgenkind.
Das bekannte Autorengespann Dressel / Griehl beschreibt in dieser großformatigen Dokumentation exakt und bis in alle Einzelheiten Konstruktion, Entwicklung und Einsatz dieses
zwar anfälligen, aber sehr fortschrittlichen Flugzeugs und seiner Nachfolgemuster.
Viele der hier gezeigten Bilder werden zum ersten Mal veröffentlicht. Die endgültige Chronik über den einzigen
schweren Bomber der Luftwaffe!

Gebundene Ausgabe, Großformat
226 Seiten / pages
viele, teils seltene Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten, mIt einer Namensvignette des Vorbesitzers
Stuttgart - 1989 - Motorbuch Verlag
Art.Nr. 23115
34,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 219 Uhu: vom Schnellbomber zum Nachtjäger - Die Versuchsmuster
Dressel, Joachim - Griel, Manfred
Heft Nr. 10 aus der Reihe "Flugzeug Profile"

Heft, Großformat
48 Seiten / pages
sehr viele Fotos, farbige Klapptafel mit Dreiseitenansicht
sehr gut erhalten
Flugzeug Publikations GmbH
Art.Nr. 23292
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 219: An Illustrated History of Germany's Premier Nightfighter
Remp, Roland
First English Language Edition

The Heinkel He 219 was acknowledged by friend and foe alike äs one of the most out-standing night fighters of the Second World War. In 1942 Heinkel received a contract from the Reichsluftfahrtministerium (RLM) to develop the twin-engined He 219, which subsequently took to the air for the first time on 6 November 1942. The design's great potential became apparent during initial flight trials. Not only was the He 219 very fast, with a maximum speed in excess of 600 km/h, but it also possessed excellent maneuverability, had a well-designed cockpit and was equipped with airborne radar. The He 219 was the first German production aircraft to have a tricycle undercarriage and ejector seats for both crew members.
The author provides many previously unpublished details in describing the development history of the He 219, the technology it employed, its testing, production and use in combat,. This documentation fills a gap in the history of aviation and of the Second World War.

Hardcover with dust jacket, large format
160 Seiten / pages
many photos, color illustrations and three-side-views
very good condition
Atglen, PA, USA - 2000 - Schiffer Military History
Art.Nr. 24356
42,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 280: Das erste Strahljagdflugzeug der Welt
Franzke, Manfred
Heft Nr. 55 aus der Reihe "Flugzeug Profile"

Heft, Großformat
50 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten, neuwertig
Art.Nr. 21809
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 280: Der erste Düsenjäger der Welt
Forschungsgruppe Luftfahrtgeschichte e.V. (Hrsg.) bearbeitet von Joachim Dressel, Manfred Griehl, Jochen Menke
Band 108 aus der Reihe "Waffen-Arsenal"

Softcover, großes Querformat
48 Seiten / pages
viele seltene Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
Friedberg - 1987 - Podzun-Pallas-Verlag
Art.Nr. 12071
9,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Heinkel He 280: The World's First Jet Aircraft
Dressel, Joachim - Griehl, Manfred - Menke, Jochen
Schiffer Military History Vol. 51

softcover, large landscape format
48 Seiten / pages
many photos and illustrations
very good condition
West Chester, PA - 1991 - Schiffer Publishing
Art.Nr. 23966
15,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hell Island: Canadian Pilots and the 1942 Air Battle for Malta
McCaffery, Dan
The 1942 Siege of Malta was an incredible, against-the-odds triumph for England's Royal Air Force and a small band of Canadian fliers. Historians have often compared this campaign to that other epic stand - the Battle of Britain.
Popular military historian Dan McCaffery has written a lively new account of one of the most exciting victories of the war. Looking at the nine-month period in 1942 when the Axis powers decided to invade Malta, McCaffery describes the way Allied submarines and bombers operating from the tiny island effectively controlled shipping in the Mediterranean. Allied forces eventually became so successful at sinking passing enemy ships that supplies for German Field Marshal Rommel were threatened.
In retaliation, Hitler and Mussolini decided to starve and bomb Malta out of the war. McCaffery vividly captures the tension of the devastating offensive, bringing to life all the key events of the battle from the March Blitz to the final Allied victory in October. The heroic exploits of air aces Buzz Beurling, Wally McLeod, Moose Fumerton, and John Williams are described in colourful detail. Air history and military history fans will not want to miss this fascinating new account of the important role played by Canadians in one of the most exciting campaigns of World War II.

Hardcover with dust jacket
214 Seiten / pages
good condition
Toronto, Canada - 1998 - James Lorimer & Company, Publishers
Art.Nr. 24353
12,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Henschel - Flugzeuge seit 1933: Typenkompass
Griel, Manfred

Die große Reihe zur Marken- und Modellgeschichte mit technischen Daten, Fakten und Bildern. Alle wichtigen Informationen zu den bedeutensten Henschel-Flugzeugen seit 1933. Systematische Kurzbeschreibungen mit Angaben zu Entwicklung und Varianten, Aussagekräftige Datentabellen.

Hs 124
HS 125
HS 126
Hs 127
Hs 128
Hs 129
Hs 130
Hs 132
Hs P 52
Hs P 87
Hs P 122
Hs P 135
Hs P 136

127 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
Stuttgart - 2011 - Motorbuch Verlag
Art.Nr. 23557
18,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Henschel Hs 129: Variants - Weapons - Equipment
Bernád, Dénes
First Edition.
From the series: Military Aircraft in Detail

The Hs 129 was the Luftwaffe's first purpose-designed ground-attack aircraft - born out of experience in the Spanish Civil War where obsolescent types were found wanting in the ground-attack role. In a battlefront where air superiority had been gained, there was a need for a small, nimble, twin-engine, heavily armed and armoured aircraft in the close-support role.
First seeing the light of day as the underpowered Anton (A series), the specification was redrawn into a much improved aircraft. But the need for the aircraft in its assigned role was paramount, so aspects of the improved design were incorporated into the Anton airframe. Thus was born the Berta (B series), a type that was to see much service in North Africa and the Eastern Front. Passing through a series of sub-types, the Berta incorporated various armament configurations including a belly mounted 30 mm cannon and culminating in the B-3 variant packing a 75 mm BK 7,5 cannon. Much loved by most of its pilots, the Hs 129 went on to acquire a formidable reputation in its close-support role -recognised as such even by the Russians!
In this voiume of Military Aircraft in Detail, the Anton and Berta is covered in unprecedented detail, included are:
Design and Development
Airframe and Equipment
Armament Configurations
Detailed Drawings
Advanced Weapons
The Military Aircraft in Detail series forms a comprehensive library of facts covering detailed aspects of both classic military and civilran aircraft.

Softcover, large format
96 Seiten / pages
many photos, drawings and illustrations
very good condition, like new
Hersham, England - 2006 - Midland Publishing
Art.Nr. 23917
28,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hermann Reichelt: Ein Dresdener Flugpionier 1878 - 1914

24 Seiten / pages
sehr gut erhalten, signiert
Dresden - 1993 - Aero-Philatelisten-Club Deutschland (APCD)
Art.Nr. 21586
26,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hermann Stegemanns Geschichte des Krieges - Erster Band
Stegemann, Hermann

444 Seiten / pages
mit 3 der 5 farbigen Kriegskarten
innen sehr gut erhalten, außen etwas fleckig
Stuttgart - Berlin - 1917 - Deutsche Verlags-Anstalt
Art.Nr. 20733
8,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Himmelsstürmer: Die berühmtesten Militär-Flugzeuge der 30er und 40er Jahre
Bukowski, Helmut - Müller, Fritz
Himmelsstürmer - Luftfahrt im Zweiten Weltkrieg präsentiert die einzigartigen Farbfotografien von Philip Makanna, der zwanzig Jahre lang die ganze Welt bereist hat, um diese liebevoll restaurierten Maschinen nur einmal im Flug fotografisch zu dokumentieren, oftmals ihrem letzten - oder einzigen - Flug vor der endgültigen Stillegung. Makannas Bildarchiv umfaßt sämtliche Kampfflugzeugtypen des Zweiten Weltkriegs, darunter amerikanische Corsair, britische Spitfire, deutsche Messerschmitt und japanische Zero. Mit mehr als 100 überwältigenden Farbbildern, vermischt mit faszinierendem Archivmaterial in Schwarz-weiß, eindrucksvollen historischen Zitaten und ergreifenden Berichten aus erster Hand von Piloten und anderen Zeitzeugen, erweist Makanna diesen legendären Flugzeugen und den mutigen Männern, die sie steuerten, seine Reverenz.

Leinen mit Schutzumschlag, Großformat
160 Seiten / pages
viele Abbildungen
sehr gut erhalten
Königswinter - 1998 - Heel Verlag
Art.Nr. 21814
18,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Hints and Tips for Plastic Modeling

Softcover, large format
48 Seiten / pages
many photos and illustrations
very good condition
Milwaukee, Wisconsin, USA - 1980 - Kalmbach Books
Art.Nr. 24099
4,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
Braddon, Russell
Leonard Cheshire war englischer Geschwaderkommodore und gehörte zur Crew des U.S. Bombers, der am 9. August 1945 mit einer Atombombe die japanische Stadt Nagaski zerstörte. Dieser Angriff sollte seine Einstellung zum Leben verändern.

213 Seiten / pages
sehr gut erhalten
Konstanz Stuttgart - 1958 - Humanitas Verlag
Art.Nr. 903
6,00 EUR
zzgl. Versand
385 bis 480 (von insgesamt 1005)